agreeable vice 意味

  • 快い悪習{あくしゅう}


        agreeable:     agreeable adj. 気持ちのよい, 愛想のよい; 適合する; 同意が得られる; 一致する. 【副詞】 Her company is extremely agreeable to me. 私には彼女と一緒にいるのが大変楽しい a genuinely agreeable companion 本当に気の合った仲間 a mutually agreeabl
        agreeable to:     agréeable to O ((まれ))…に従って,…によって.
        vice:     1vice n. 罪悪; 不道徳; 悪習, 欠点. 【動詞+】 contract a vice 悪癖がつく develop a nasty vice いやな悪習がつく The new gambling laws encourage vice. その新(しい)賭博(禁止)法は悪行を助長する have the vice of… …の悪習がある
        vice-:    vice- 次長 じちょう 副 ふく
        agreeable change:    好ましい変化{へんか}
        agreeable companion:    気の合う仲間{なかま}
        agreeable condition:    agreeable condition 様様 さまさま
        agreeable environment:    快適{かいてき}な環境{かんきょう}
        agreeable fellow:    agreeable fellow 快男子 かいだんし
        agreeable girl:    感じのいい少女{しょうじょ}
        agreeable guest:    感じの良い客
        agreeable impression:    好印象
        agreeable in manner:    態度{たいど}が気持ちの良い
        agreeable individual:    気持ちの良い人
        agreeable lassitude:    気持ちの良い気{け}だるさ


  1. "agreeable to considering the matter settled" 意味
  2. "agreeable to contemporary tastes" 意味
  3. "agreeable to each other" 意味
  4. "agreeable to giving someone sole distributorship for" 意味
  5. "agreeable to the ear" 意味
  6. "agreeable voice" 意味
  7. "agreeable weather" 意味
  8. "agreeableness" 意味
  9. "agreeably" 意味
  10. "agreeable to giving someone sole distributorship for" 意味
  11. "agreeable to the ear" 意味
  12. "agreeable voice" 意味
  13. "agreeable weather" 意味

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